2020 Annual Complexity Symposium entitled Generation C
June 15 – June 21, 2020
Center for Complexity,
Rhode Island School of Design
June 15 – June 21, 2020
Center for Complexity,
Rhode Island School of Design
In June of 2020 our team at RISD’s Center for Complexity (CfC) designed and hosted a 5-day virtual symposium open to the public.
About the Symposium
Three months prior to the symposium—on March 11, 2020—the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In his incisive reporting of the crisis, science journalist Ed Yong refers to Generation C as those born into a world that will be “profoundly altered” by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We chose Generation C as the title of our symposium to suggest the generational changes that will be needed to address ongoing and emergent challenges in structures such as capitalism, climate, and community.
Through the symposium format, we assembled a group of thinkers and makers to offer their initial insights about this extraordinary moment in history. This thought-provoking compilation of collective wisdom can be read in it’s entirety on the symposium website – – and as a digital publication downloadble here.
About the Symposium
Three months prior to the symposium—on March 11, 2020—the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In his incisive reporting of the crisis, science journalist Ed Yong refers to Generation C as those born into a world that will be “profoundly altered” by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. We chose Generation C as the title of our symposium to suggest the generational changes that will be needed to address ongoing and emergent challenges in structures such as capitalism, climate, and community.
Through the symposium format, we assembled a group of thinkers and makers to offer their initial insights about this extraordinary moment in history. This thought-provoking compilation of collective wisdom can be read in it’s entirety on the symposium website – – and as a digital publication downloadble here.
Seven Compasses
The five-day event centered on a series of thought pieces responding to seven themes or compasses:
Culture & Constructs
Collapse & (re)Construct
Chaos & Control
Contact & Constraints
Crisis & Capacity
Commons & Capital
Compasses & Calibrations
Illustrations designed by Cecilia Ruiz
Culture & Constructs Collapse & (re)Construct
Chaos & Control Contact & Constraints
Crisis & Capacity Commons & Capital
Compasses & Calibrations
Culture & Constructs
Collapse & (re)Construct
Chaos & Control
Contact & Constraints
Crisis & Capacity
Commons & Capital
Compasses & Calibrations
Illustrations designed by Cecilia Ruiz

Pathways Towards Systems Change in Emergency Medicine from Center for Complexity on Vimeo.