City of Vernon Health Services

City of Vernon Health Services
︎︎︎City of Vernon, CA
︎︎︎Wellness & Equity Alliance
︎︎︎Field States
City of Vernon Health Services
︎︎︎City of Vernon, CA
︎︎︎Wellness & Equity Alliance
︎︎︎Field States
For over a century, the City of Vernon’s motto has been Exclusively Industrial!
That dedication to poweringindustry in Los Angeles slowly calcified Vernon’s fivesquare miles into a dense urban fabric of warehouses andmanufacturing facilities, with zero green space and areputation for environmental hazards.
In 2023, Vernon’s leadership committed to change. They envision thecity’s transformation from an industrial zone to a dynamic, mixed-usearea for working and living. Alongside our partner, Wellness EquityAlliance (WEA), Field States developed research-based strategies to align urban design and economic development with what we call place-based factors of public health—helping both Vernon and WEA think about their future in a new light.
That dedication to poweringindustry in Los Angeles slowly calcified Vernon’s fivesquare miles into a dense urban fabric of warehouses andmanufacturing facilities, with zero green space and areputation for environmental hazards.
In 2023, Vernon’s leadership committed to change. They envision thecity’s transformation from an industrial zone to a dynamic, mixed-usearea for working and living. Alongside our partner, Wellness EquityAlliance (WEA), Field States developed research-based strategies to align urban design and economic development with what we call place-based factors of public health—helping both Vernon and WEA think about their future in a new light.
“Vernon is in an excitingmoment of transformation. FieldStates assessed the needs of ourgrowing population with rigor,and their creative strategies areunlocking shared wins across theCity’s departments as we definethe future of public health and urban design.”
– Angela Kimmey
Deputy City Administrator
City of Vernon
Deputy City Administrator
City of Vernon
The City of Vernon is an essential manufacturing and logistics hub with a massive transient workforce and tiny residential population, nestledbetween some of the trendiest districts and poorest neighborhoods in California. Its industry-driven strategy for economic development hasresulted in a warehouse-dominated landscape rife with health hazards, including air and chemical pollution, extreme heat and noise.Their new direction includes a dramatic increase in residential population, with radical implications for urban form, public health services, andbeyond.
Vernon asked Wellness Equity Alliance—a leading public health strategy and service provider with a focus on historically marginalizedpopulations—to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and establish a municipal public health department. WEA hired Field States to contribute to their research, planning and strategy process. Our three organizations laid groundwork for transformingVernon’s industrial zone into a vibrant, inviting home for thousands, and improve conditions for workers commuting to the city each day.
Vernon asked Wellness Equity Alliance—a leading public health strategy and service provider with a focus on historically marginalizedpopulations—to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and establish a municipal public health department. WEA hired Field States to contribute to their research, planning and strategy process. Our three organizations laid groundwork for transformingVernon’s industrial zone into a vibrant, inviting home for thousands, and improve conditions for workers commuting to the city each day.
For the City of Vernon
Vernon’s bold vision for their future has massive implications forurban form, economic activity, and public services. Thousands of decisions by leadership—related to real estate development,anchor industries, transportation and more—can all be designedto advance public health objectives.
This presents a rare opportunity to embed an expansive publichealth agenda in the urban form, using tools and strategies fromoutside the conventional playbook.
Vernon’s bold vision for their future has massive implications forurban form, economic activity, and public services. Thousands of decisions by leadership—related to real estate development,anchor industries, transportation and more—can all be designedto advance public health objectives.
This presents a rare opportunity to embed an expansive publichealth agenda in the urban form, using tools and strategies fromoutside the conventional playbook.
With the Wellness Equity Aliance
While our work centered on the City of Vernon, it also revealed abroader idea of how WEA could champion a new approach tohealthcare across the country, by embedding place-based factorsinto its Community Health Needs Assessment process.
While our work centered on the City of Vernon, it also revealed abroader idea of how WEA could champion a new approach tohealthcare across the country, by embedding place-based factorsinto its Community Health Needs Assessment process.
The Work
Field States was hired to produce research-backed strategies at the intersection of publichealth, urban planning, and municipal operations. We drafted action orientedrecommendations that can tangibly benefit Vernon s community as the city transforms.
Our guiding question:
How can public health objectives guide Vernon’s urban design and economic development?
Through research, stakeholder interviews, and workshops, we created a report unique toVernon’s needs and opportunities. We provided a set of strategies for multisolving—aligningmunicipal operations, urban design, external partnerships, and resident-facing programs so theyhave an outsized impact on critical public health (and urban) indicators.
Ultimately, our work was core to WEA’s Community Health Needs Assessment (presented to andapproved by Vernon City Council), and featured a standalone Place-based Factors of PublicHealth Report (presented directly to the Vernon Deputy City Administrator and Director of PublicWorks).
Our guiding question:
How can public health objectives guide Vernon’s urban design and economic development?
Through research, stakeholder interviews, and workshops, we created a report unique toVernon’s needs and opportunities. We provided a set of strategies for multisolving—aligningmunicipal operations, urban design, external partnerships, and resident-facing programs so theyhave an outsized impact on critical public health (and urban) indicators.
Ultimately, our work was core to WEA’s Community Health Needs Assessment (presented to andapproved by Vernon City Council), and featured a standalone Place-based Factors of PublicHealth Report (presented directly to the Vernon Deputy City Administrator and Director of PublicWorks).

1. Defining place-basedfactors of public health
What is the state-of-the art ofcrossover research between urbandesign, architecture, and public healthregarding place-based factors of publichealth? What are the best practices?
What is the state-of-the art ofcrossover research between urbandesign, architecture, and public healthregarding place-based factors of publichealth? What are the best practices?
Human health and the built environment go hand in hand. Our first step was to make thatlink more precise and actionable. Air quality, green space, active mobility and even socialcohesion impact our health, so place-based interventions are a powerful tool to improveboth individual and population level outcomes.
Identify place-based factors
Desk research and expert interviews pointedto 10 place-based factors that significantlyinfluence public health in cities. Our work alsosurfaced a set of best practices acrossindustries (from architecture to data science).
Desk research and expert interviews pointedto 10 place-based factors that significantlyinfluence public health in cities. Our work alsosurfaced a set of best practices acrossindustries (from architecture to data science).
Find global examples
We documented this body of knowledge with afocus on applicability to any context. Thechosen set of factors of public health, as wellas the tactical best practices for addressingthem, are relevant to any city that WEA mightwork with in the future.
We documented this body of knowledge with afocus on applicability to any context. Thechosen set of factors of public health, as wellas the tactical best practices for addressingthem, are relevant to any city that WEA mightwork with in the future.
2. Prioritizing key factorsfor Vernon
Which place-based factors are mostrelevant to the city of Vernon?
Which place-based factors are mostrelevant to the city of Vernon?
Our research established a strong foundation a clear set of place-based factors of publichealth, and proven tactics for intervention useful for evaluating any urban context. Ournext step was to prioritize the most relevant, impactful factors for Vernon.
Surface Vernon health needs
Desk research, resident engagement (throughWEA’s Community Health Needs Assessment,or CHNA), and a GIS-based analysis from ourdata partner RS21 surfaced the health needsof the local population, as well as relevantconditions in Vernon (e.g. commuting patterns,air quality, heat index).
Desk research, resident engagement (throughWEA’s Community Health Needs Assessment,or CHNA), and a GIS-based analysis from ourdata partner RS21 surfaced the health needsof the local population, as well as relevantconditions in Vernon (e.g. commuting patterns,air quality, heat index).
Prioritize place-based factors
We prioritized key place-based factors that aremost relevant to Vernon based on (1) Severityin the local context; (2) Relevance to thecurrent and future population; (3) Potential forimmediate and longer term impact on theimprovement of human and planet health.
We prioritized key place-based factors that aremost relevant to Vernon based on (1) Severityin the local context; (2) Relevance to thecurrent and future population; (3) Potential forimmediate and longer term impact on theimprovement of human and planet health.
3. Recommending strategiesfor action
What are the most feasible, high-impact initiatives that Vernon City government and WEA can implement?How do those scaffold into a long-termstrategic effort?
What are the most feasible, high-impact initiatives that Vernon City government and WEA can implement?How do those scaffold into a long-termstrategic effort?
Finally, with research done and context analyzed, our concept and strategic designprocess helped us determine the most valuable courses of action.
Identify leverage points
We conducted interviewswith City staff to understandopportunities andconstraints.
We conducted interviewswith City staff to understandopportunities andconstraints.
Support our hypotheses
In a workshop, we matchedorganizational opportunitiesand constraints with theprioritized place-basedfactors, and backed them upwith case studies.
In a workshop, we matchedorganizational opportunitiesand constraints with theprioritized place-basedfactors, and backed them upwith case studies.
Make it actionable
Field States compiled a set of recommended initiatives(internal to the municipalityas an organization, andexternally facing projects)and a strategic roadmap fortheir implementation.
Field States compiled a set of recommended initiatives(internal to the municipalityas an organization, andexternally facing projects)and a strategic roadmap fortheir implementation.
Related Press / Publications
Isabel Roberts. “RISD’s Center for Complexity Presents Exhibition Addressing the Threats of a Human-Centric World”, RISD Media, October 10, 2023.
Simone Solondz. “RISD’s Center for Complexity Developing Design Manual for Maintaining Life on Earth”, RISD Media, August 10, 2023.